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Bulk Billing Setup/Cancel Capabilities

Sometimes you need a faster way to make changes to multiple clients at once...Fons is here to help!

Jen avatar
Written by Jen
Updated over a week ago

Get things done faster with Bulk actions...but be careful and make sure you are working accurately as bulk actions have the potential to create bulk sized mistakes.

The following actions are available to do in bulk from the Client tab actions button:

Hourly Rate

Set for multiple - if you have multiple clients who all have the same hourly rate, easily get them established.

Edit for multiple - increasing rates or have a large number of hourly rates to adjust? Easily edit clients who already have an hourly rate established.

  • Clients who do not have an hourly rate set for them will not show up as an option to edit.


Set up Subscriptions - easily establish a subscription for multiple clients at once.

Edit Subscription rate - easily adjust the rate (amount) of a subscription - great for when rate increases occur or clients start taking longer/shorter lessons.

Pause - temporarily stop a subscription from running

Resume - restart a subscription

Cancel - end recurring subscriptions

  • Note: in order to change the date a subscription runs you must cancel it and create a new one.


Archiving clients keeps their contact information for future reference...but it will cancel all future appointments, cancel all outstanding payments, and remove billing info for all family members.

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