Scheduling an appointment is a breeze using Fons!
You can create just a single appointment or a series of recurring appointments. If you are looking to create a Class or Group Appointment, checkout this guide.
Appointment FAQs
An appointment must be confirmed to be paid
A client can cancel an appointment at anytime however they may be charged or not depending on your cancellation policy
Staff can cancel the appointment at anytime overriding the cancellation policy and the client will not be charged
Once appointments are created it is easy to change any details, cancel or reschedule
Email reminders will go out 24 hrs ahead of the cancellation policy and sms 4 hrs
To create a single appointment or a series of recurring appointments you can utilize
Appointment Wizard (if you are new to Fons, try this first) -advance view
Appointment Templates to schedule lessons quickly without going through the wizard each time and filling out fields that are always the same -basic view
How to use the Appointment Wizard Schedule a Single or Recurring Appointment Series
Click the +NEW button at the top of the screen and select "Appointment" or navigate to a client's details click the Action button and select "Schedule Appointment" . Make sure you are on the "Advanced View" on the bottom of the wizard.
2. Staff and Attendee Fields
Select a staff and an attendee from your list of clients either via the drop down or the magnifying glass, from there you can search and select clients based on on filtering. You may invite as many clients as you would like, in case you are holding a group appointment.
If you can't select the client you want because their name is grayed-out you need to 1) enable scheduling and 2) set up billing
If you are a Verified Provider you can confirm the appointment for you clients.
Note: do not confirm an appointment without a client's payment method in place
Public Group Appointment option see How to Create a Class / Group Appointments - Public or Private
2. Click " NEXT"
3. Title and Location Fields
Title - this is what's shown on the calendar
Pro Tip - usually the attendees name unless its a group lesson
Locations you can use - see "default locations". if you enter a URL for the meeting like a Zoom link it will show as a "join meeting" clickable link
Labels - see Labels / Tags for Appointments, Staff, Clients
Pro Tip: don't use until you are more familiar with reporting
4. Schedule and Recurrence Fields
Date and Time of the appointment
Duration - the length of the appointment
Recurring Information - FAQs
End Date - Note: If you select an end date, pick an end date after the last appointment is to occur. So, for example if you want the last appointment in the series to end on the 27th select the 28th as the end date.
5. Payment Fields
This is how the appointment will be billed and what they are being charged.
Pro Tip: this should be determined before appointments are scheduled and this billing method should be setup on the client before scheduling appointments. Note: you can change this on the appointment once it's been saved. Billing / Payment Options Explained
Select whether or not you would like to send a notification to your client. You can even customize your message, see a preview of it, and send yourself a test notification.
6. Choose Book or Preview
Book simply means it's just saved and nothing sent to your client
Preview you can see what will be sent to your client before sending
7. Invitation Preview
You can write a customized message and preview you can see what will be sent to your client before sending
This will schedule the appointment and send you client an email with the details of the appointment
Clients will be asked to confirm/decline the appointment, if a recurring series all appointments will be confirmed or declined, so they do not have to confirm or decline each one saving them time. Note: If they want to confirm the appointment they must enter a payment method. If they already have one on file they will not be asked again to enter their payment method, it saves for their convenience.
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