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Set up Available Dates/Hours/Locations or Block Out Available Dates/Locations
Set up Available Dates/Hours/Locations or Block Out Available Dates/Locations

Set Up / Block Available Booking Times/Locations - Office Hours

Mica Manson avatar
Written by Mica Manson
Updated over 3 months ago

If you don't allow clients to book appointments, you're all set nothing you have to do, but if you do we have you covered. If you work a strict Monday-Friday 9am-5pm? Perhaps you're a night owl and prefer evenings after 6pm? Or maybe you're using Fons as a side hustle and only teach on the weekends. Whatever your typical availability and location is, we've got you covered for that too, with what we call your default availability. Set it and forget it. We'll make sure clients can only book appointments during these times and locations.

Default availabilities are a great place to start, but your schedule is complex and your availability needs to reflect that. Perhaps your summer schedule differs from the rest of the year, you want to block out vacation time, or need to take medical or family leave. You can schedule availabilities for a specific date range that will override the defaults.

How do locations work?

  • assign a location to a student and they can use "1-click booking" to book their normal teacher, location and default appointment duration. If no location is assigned for the client they can use 1-click booking to book any location you have set in availability. Even if a location is assigned to a client they can still book any service class or workshop/camp. Client Location assignment only applies to 1-click booking.

  • assign a location to an "Appointment Option" and that service can only be booked during the times you have enabled below in one of the availability options

4 ways to set or block dates/hours/locations clients can book

  • Availability dates/hours/locations are not needed, if you do not allow your clients to book their own appointments.

  • Only staff with an admin role can setup staff booking times

Setup/Block Lessons Availability Booking Times

Note: "Quick Action" overrides "Temporary Ranges" overrides "Default Studio Hours"

"Default Studio Hours" - dates/hours/locations clients can book appointments - "your everyday schedule"

  1. Log into your Fons account, navigate to Settings->Staff, select staff member. If you need temporary hours see Setting Up temporary Hours

  2. Under the Availability section, click the "Add Availability" button

  3. Select the day of the week, create the time for that day, and location continue through each day until you are done

  4. Repeat for each day of the week you are available for clients to book appointments

  5. Click the "SAVE" button

To view on your calendar, navigate to your calendar, select the staff member (only one at a time permitted), you will see it in the staff members colors. You can make changes from the calendar by clicking on the "edit availability" button, if this is not temporary use the settings under staff

Example: If you are available from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm on Mondays, but take 2 hours off every Monday from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm, you would create an entry from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, and then a second one from 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm. The location you select will only be available for people to book you at that location.

Block "Temporary Ranges" dates/hours/locations clients can book appointments

  1. If you already have your default hours setup click button to create

  2. Create a temporary availability range

    • Set your temporary hours you are available to be booked or

    • if you don't add any days to the range and click save this will block out your availability for the dates within the range


Set "Temporary Ranges" - dates/hours/locations clients can book appointments

  1. If you already have your default hours setup click button to create

  2. Create a temporary availability range

    • Set your temporary hours and location you are available to be booked


Set "Quick Action" dates/hours/locations clients can book appointments - usually used for one-off days

  1. Navigate to the calendar

  2. Select the staff member (only one at a time)

  3. Click 'EDIT AVAILABILITY" button - bottom right corner

  4. Click on the calendar on the day you wish to edit (must be a future day)

  5. Create available dates/hours/location

  6. Save


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