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Flat-rate Subscription billing- Set Up / Prorate/ Change / Cancel / Pause & FAQs
Flat-rate Subscription billing- Set Up / Prorate/ Change / Cancel / Pause & FAQs

Subscription Billing Setup, Prorate, Change, Cancel, Pause & FAQs

Mica Manson avatar
Written by Mica Manson
Updated this week

Choosing a flat-rate billing method is perhaps the simplest path to never sending another invoice or chasing another payment...Fons makes it a snap! The number of appointments scheduled within the subscription time period is up to you.

If you have students starting mid-month no problem we have you covered, with subscription proration, you can choose to charge an upfront fee or wait and charge the first billing period.

Subscription Billing FAQs

Note subscriptions do not count appointments and make adjustments to the subscription cost. If you need to count lessons you may want to consider pre-paid package billing or Per-Appointment Subscriptions.

  • Subscriptions can be set to start at any date you choose and will run that day unless that date doesn't exist. For example if the subscription is set to run on the 31st, the charge will occur on the 30th.

  • You can prorate subscriptions at any cost you would like including $0

  • Failed charged subscriptions will continue to automatically charge the client on the anniversary of the original start date, unless cancelled by the provider or client

    • Automatic Retries

      • 3 days after the first failure

      • 5 days after the second failure

      • 7 days after the third failure - then the subscription will cancel and a new one will have to be setup

      • Manual retries will always be available

      • Subscriptions charged via ACH will not automatically retry to avoid excessive bank fees

  • Subscriptions can be setup for weekly, monthly, 3-month, 4-month or 6-month intervals

  • You can easily refund full or part

  • Subscriptions include as many appointments as needed. All appointments within the subscription range are covered by the subscription.

  • You can use subscription billing to setup single appointments or recurring appointments

  • If you have a subscription in place you can still charge for an appointment, so if they want to take a group class or you have a special session outside of what their subscription covers, no problem

  • Stripe charges a .4% additional fee for billing per subscriptions

Setup a Subscription Step-by-Step

  1. Navigate to Client's tab, select the proper client, scroll down to the 'Appointment Setup" section select "set up individual"

    Note: The subscription must be sold under the client (family member) that the appointments are going to be scheduled under for the system to recognize the subscription.

  2. Either click "Skip" to skip this step or enter the client's credit card

  3. Choose the typical appointment length for the person taking the lesson ->Next

  4. Select Subscription->Next

    • Fill in your Rate, Interval and Bill Date when you would like the subscription to bill every month.

    • NOTE - if your client will be attending lessons before the subscription bill date you will need to determine how you will handle these lessons.

    • You can choose to charge these lessons individually using a per-appointment cost until the subscription starts.

      • Appointments will need to be changed to ensure they are set to charge per appointment vs. with a subscription.

    • You can choose to "cover with subscription"

      • ex: Its February 19th and a new student starts. You bill all subscriptions on the 1st of every month, but you would like to start the client appointments mid-month. By selecting "Cover with Subscription" you can start the subscription on an "off cycle" date in February, charge for the February appointments or choose $0 if they covered the cost of those February lessons another way and then March 1st would bill the whole amount of the subscription, $400 in this example.

  • Click "Next" to preview the email the system sends your client inviting them to enter their payment info. If their payment info is in the system they will have a button to view it instead or entering their payment.

  • The subscription will start on the "start date" you set.


  • The subscription will start on the date you set it to start and will keep trying to run the charge until either the payment method is set and the charge has been successful or the retry period is over. The subscription will show as "past due" until there is a successful payment.

Change/edit the Cost of the Subscription - One or in Bulk

Note: The change will notify the client of the change, they do not have to do anything. The new rate will not be billed until the next billing cycle.

  1. To change one client

    1. From the Clients tab > navigate to the client.

    2. Scroll down to the Appointment Setup section, click on pencil icon, select "edit rate", change the cost, click save.

  2. To change many client subscriptions at one time

    1. from the "clients" tab go to Actions->edit subscription rate

    2. Select the clients who's subscription needs to be edited to the new amount.

    3. Enter the new amount > click save

Refund Full or Partial

1. Click either on the "Payment" tab in the client details or the "Billing" tab, "Transaction History" and scroll to the bottom

2. Find the subscription payment you would to refund, click on it

3. On the next screen on the top right click the "issue refund" button and choose the amount to refund, click the next "issue refund" button

Change the Billing Date of a Subscription

  1. Cancel the current subscription.

  2. Create a new one

Change the Frequency a subscription runs

  1. Cancel the current subscription

  2. Create a new one with the new interval

Pause/Resume a Subscription

Subscription Paus FAQs

Pause FAQ's

  • You can run the subscription report under reporting->reports this report will show you the status of subscriptions, paused with the billing period and past due subs

  • Pausing a subscription will not cancel a previous failed charge only cancelling a subscription will do this.

  • When setting a resume date, the sub will charge on the next period start date, NOT the day you set it to resume in other words it will not change the billing date.

    • ex: Sub is set to run March 1st and you pause it February 5th and set a resume date to March 2nd the sub will not charge until April 1st.

  • When resuming a sub it will not charge a past period only future

  • Paused subscriptions do not cover any appointments set to charge a cost because a paused subscription is not considered active. So if your client is scheduled for an appointment and it is set to a cost, they will be charged the cost of the appointment.

Pause a Subscription

  1. To pause a subscription navigate to the client and in the Appointment Setup section click on the pencil. Select Pause Subscription. You can pause a subscription billing indefinitely or toggle on a resume date.

  2. Click Save

To unpause just click on the pencil beside the sub and select "resume subscription"

Cancel a Subscription

Cancel Sub FAQs

You can cancel a subscription either immediately or at the end of the subscription period.

  • Cancelling a subscription does not delete the client's payment method

  • Any past due failed charges will not cancel. You must stop collection

  • If there are existing appointments you will need to cancel them or change their appointment cost. If an appointment is set to accept a subscription and a client does not have a current subscription the appointment will fail the charge sending you and your clients an email. See change the Appointment Cost

Cancel a Subscription

  1. To cancel a subscription navigate to the client and in the Appointment Setup section click on the pencil. Select Cancel Subscription. If you need to cancel subscriptions in bulk navigate to the Clients tab->Action->Cancel and follow steps below.

  2. On the next screen you can choose to end the subscription immediately or allow it to run through, and cancel all appointments associated with the subscription or not.

    • Note: if you select "End Immediately" and have appointments in the future that are set to bill to the client subscription, the appointments will fail to charge because there is not an active subscription, so you may not want to "End Immediately"

  3. Click Save or Save & Notify

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