Per-Appointment Subscriptions count how many lessons are in the upcoming period and determines the required charge. Then, it looks back over the previous period and determines if any appointments should be credited for cancelled appointments, adhering to your cancellation period. If new appointments are created before the next billing cycle the system will adjust for those and charge in the next billing period. Three days prior to the charge running, Fons generates an "invoice" that reflects the final adjusted price, if any adjustments were required, then the system automatically charges the clients on the bill date and sends them a receipt.
Bill date is set by the organization.
The billing interval defines the "period" - ie: each month, every other month etc.
The organization admins and owners will be able to see the invoices prior to the payment processing date and edit them (if necessary)
Payment processing is automatic based on the bill date you select. (we do not send invoices to clients to pay - we automatically process the payments based off of the information you provide)
How to Set up Per Appointment Subscriptions
If you create a subscription with proration to start today and then you create appointments after the sub was created, those appointments will not be charged until the billing start date.
If you create a sub and prorate and start today the sub will charge today for the appointments that are already on the calendar between today and the bill start date.
If the appointments were paid for with the subscription and you cancel the subscription, it will not refund for those prepaid appointments and they will be covered for that sub.
Once you have set up your Per-Appointment Subscriptions Fons will generate invoices you can review and edit prior to the bill date if you need to.
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