You can send an individual message or a group email within Fons. Three ways to send a message.
Clients will receive the email in their email inbox as well as in the Fons App under the Conversations tab.
Bulk message and filter for recipients
Use clickable friendly URLs
Attachments are not a supported feature as of now
As of now staff cannot be messaged from the system
3 Ways to Send a Message
When you send a message to a single recipient or group, it will appear under the client's Conversation tab in their details. If the client responds, their reply will show up in your To-Do tab until you mark it as read, after which it will move to the Client Conversation tab.
The recipient will receive an email notification and will also see the message in their Tasks section when they log into their Fons portal.
Option 1 - Send from the client details
Option 1 - Send from the client details
Click on the client tab and navigate to the client you would like to message
Click on the Conversation tab
Type the Message and click on the arrow to send
Option 2 - Send from the New+ button - use for bulk group emails
Option 2 - Send from the New+ button - use for bulk group emails
Click on the +New button at the top of any Fons Page
Select send message
Add recipients (it bcc clients), subject and message.
To send as a group click on the magnifying glass on the right of the "Clients" and "select all" or if you have labeled your clients you can filter by label and "select all"
Click Send Message
Option 3 - Send directly from an appointment
Option 3 - Send directly from an appointment
Open an appointment
Under the attendee section click on the pencil icon
Choose "send message" - this will auto fill with all attendees, you can remove or add additional recipients to the email, this will not add or remove anyone as the appointment attendee
Create and "send message"
To send clickable links or Images
Select the URL button [](url) should look like this [Fons](, select Preview to make sure looks as if you intended
Select the Image button [](url) should look like this
[The Whole Voice](
Our messaging (email) system uses a common programming language called "Markdown" to format messages. Use the Markdown Guide
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